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Clinically Proven Quit Smoking Program



Your health goes far beyond just quitting cigarettes. There's likely many reasons you're quitting, and one is that you want to become a healthier person.  Quitting is just the first step in moving towards a healthier you.


This program has around a 96% success rate. It's simple and effective, but it's not magic. You have to be ready to make the change, and ready to do the work.


Hypnosis is a Do-With process, not a Do-To process. This means that you are in control of the entire process, deciding whether or not you will fully engage in the process, and ultimately determining your own outcome.  


As long as you are motivated and ready to make the change, and you can follow simple instructions, there's no reason this process cannot work for you. 


So if you are tired of....​

  • ​“trying” to quit, only to relapse a few months later

  • accelerating the aging of your skin and body

  • sucking poisons into your body and fueling inflammation

  • compromising your health

  • thinking about what life would be like as a non smoker

Then this is the program for you!




  • Detailed health assessment and personalized treatment plan

  • Review of lab history (option to run our own if interested) 

  • Guidelines and nutrition plan to "reset" the body and quickly move towards feeling vibrant and healthy (often shedding pounds in the process)

  • Hypnotherapy session** and last day as a smoker

  • Audio file provided for continued support


    (Follow-up appointments scheduled as       needed, depending on health goals and concerns)

** The hypnotherapy session is tailored to the individual and not only helps to build a new identity as a non-smoker, but it also addresses concerns around weight gain, helps to significantly reduce (or entirely eliminate) any cravings, and helps build more resourceful and desired behaviours instead.



If you're ready to become a life-long non-smoker, schedule a complimentary consult, where we can ensure you are a good fit for this smoking cessation program. 



PLEASE NOTE: If you have insurance coverage for naturopathic medicine, your appointments will be covered in whole or in part, depending on your coverage plan.

Approximately 60 of the chemicals in cigarettes are known to cause cancer, and there are about 200 poisonous gases in cigarette smoke.  


If you're curious about what exactly you've been inhaling, here's more information:




Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (TSNAs) are known to be some of the most potent carcinogens present in smokeless tobacco, snuff and tobacco smoke.



Benzene can be found in pesticides and gasoline. It is present in high levels in cigarette smoke and accounts for half of all human exposure to this hazardous chemical.



Pesticides are used on our lawns and gardens, and inhaled into our lungs via cigarette smoke.



Formaldehyde is a chemical used to preserve dead bodies, and is responsible for some of the nose, throat and eye irritation smokers experience when breathing in cigarette smoke.



Commonly used in rat poison, arsenic finds its way into cigarette smoke through some of the pesticides that are used in tobacco farming.



Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal that is used in batteries. Smokers typically have twice as much cadmium in their bodies as nonsmokers.


Radioactive Cigarette Smoke

Lead-210 (Pb-210) and polonium-210 (Po-210) are poisonous, radioactive heavy metals that research has shown to be present in cigarette smoke.



Ammonia compounds are commonly used in cleaning products and fertilizers. Ammonia is also used to boost the impact of nicotine in manufactured cigarettes.


Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is present in car exhaust and is lethal in very large amounts. Cigarette smoke can contain high levels of carbon monoxide.


Hydrogen Cyanide

Hydrogen cyanide was used to kill people in the gas chambers in Nazi Germany during World War II. It can be found in cigarette smoke.



Nicotine has numerous negative health effects. It has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal disorders,  it decreases immune function, negatively impacts reproductive health, and promotes oxidative stress and DNA mutation which can lead to cancer. It also affects the tumor proliferation and metastasis and causes resistance to chemo and radio therapeutic agents. 



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